In addition to the desire to become one of the premier research poles for polymer synthesis, production and transformation, the partners also wished to:
- Become a reference in the matter of research into polymer synthesis and transformation;
- Promote fundamental and applied high level research;
- Strengthen existing industry-academic relationships, and build new links between the industrial partners;
- Create an environment where new academic and industrial partners, and in particular SME can find an interest and join the pole;
- Share specific existing equipment (click here for an overview of the principle equipment available), analytical services and other technical platforms;
- More fully exploit the existing skill sets on both sides of the table to contribute to the education and training of polymer scientists and engineers at all levels;
- Finally, be one of the flagship projects for the construction of the University of Lyon over the course of the coming years.
The pole Lyon-PSE was inaugurated in November, 2015 when the partners signed a research agreement with the CNRS and several of the establishments that are part of the University of Lyon: INSA-Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Jean Monnet de St Etienne, and CPE-Lyon